Feiten en cijfers

Zakendoen in Frankrijk

Informatie over Frankrijk

De relatie tussen Frankrijk en Nederland

Frankrijk is de derde belangrijkste handelspartner van Nederland geworden, na Duitsland en België.

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Zakelijke mogelijkheden in Frankrijk

Frankrijk positioneert zich actief als een open economie voor buitenlandse investeringen, start-ups, scale-ups en KMO's

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Trends na Covid-19

Als reactie op de crisis hebben de Franse nationale en regionale autoriteiten het Economic Response Plan opgezet om de economische gevolgen voor bedrijven te verzachten.

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Om Nederlandse ondernemers support te bieden in Frankrijk, hebben de NLBC samen met de Nederlandse Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in Frankrijk een serie brochures geschreven.

Leden over NFCC

Jean-François Chiron

Director Ebusco France

"On a business point of view we are looking for zero emission projects in France. I would like to share information with the members of the NLBC to be able to do some efficient lobbying and to catch all the opportunities."

Bas Kwakkel

Chief Sales Officer De Boer Transport

Bas Kwakkel was a guest at BNR News Radio's World Representatives programme in February 2022. Bas was interviewed about doing business in France, an adventure with uncertainties but where core values, support and network are necessary.

Sandrine Chappuis

Sales manager Retail & E-commerce France Dopper

"Being part of the NLBC network gives us the support of a very dynamic and attentive team. She accompanies us and shares her expertise and knowledge of the 2 markets, Dutch and French. The events organized by the NLBC are convivial moments where it is interesting to meet the other members. Thanks to Anouk and her team."

Sarah Linda Forrer

Founder Sarah-Linda

"Very active, energetic and fast team, helping out on many different aspects!"

Evert Alink

Sales and Marketing Director Dovideq Medical Systems

"Professional and friendly organisation that connects Dutch and French businesses to success."

Bert de Boer

Founder Impaqed Products BV

When asked "What is the golden tip for entrepreneurs considering doing business in France? " If only life were so simple that there was one golden tip Still an attempt, in a nutshell; don't be scared, have lots of patience, and become a member of NLBC.

Don Roelofs

Founder KR Hospitality & Events

NFCC team is highly efficient. The team quickly arranged several introductions with other members, which have led to a strong start with ongoing partnerships and collaborations in the French market.

Officiële informatie

Agroberichten Buitenland - 2021

Het landbouwteam van de Nederlandse ambassade in Parijs is belast met het versterken van de bilaterale samenwerking in de agribusinesssector, het verlenen van diensten aan de Nederlandse agribusinesssector en het uitvoeren van promotionele activiteiten.

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